English Books

The Persian Plot
The Persian Plot, by T.F. Marsh, is a 31 page book that is an illustrated cartoon with narrations from lovable animal characters telling favorite Bible stories.
Format: English | Book
The Soviet Saints
The Soviet Saints, by Richard Wurmbrand, is a 189 page book of Christians in Soviet Russia in the underground church.
Format: English | Book
The Spiritual Battle for Cuba
The Spiritual Battle for Cuba, by Tom White, is a 184 page book about the author's experience in prison.
Format: English | Book
The Story of Jesus
The Story of Jesus, by the International Bible Society, is a 23 page illustrated book of the life of Jesus from Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, along with games for children.
Format: English | Book
The Sweetest Song
The Sweetest Song, by Richard Wurmbrand, is a 222 page book that teaches the Song of Solomon as expressed through the lives of saints and martyrs.
Format: English | Book
The Wurmbrand Letters
The Wurmbrand Letters, by Richard Wurmbrand, is a 157 page book of letters written to church leaders about Christians suffering in prison.
Format: English | Book
Tortured For Christ
Tortured For Christ, by Richard Wurmbrand, is a 165 page book that tells the story of a pastor that suffered imprisonment for his faith.
Format: English | Book
Tortured For His Faith
Tortured For His Faith, by Haralan Popov, is a 146 page book that tells the story of a pastor that suffered thirteen years imprisonment for his faith.
Format: English | Book
Underground Saints
Underground Saints, by Richard Wurmbrand, is a 207 page book that tells that stories of Christians who suffer for their faith.
Format: English | Book
Victorious Faith
Victorious Faith, by Richard Wurmbrand, is a 128 page book that shares the Christian faith that sustained him while he was in prison.
Format: English | Book
